Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Week of 11/30/09

This week we have a chemistry test. We are tested on a lot of material. We need to know the three types of chemical bonds and electronegativity. I learned a lot about polar covalent bonds. I learned about the properties of ionic compounds. I learned about two types of alloys and diferent ways to prepare metal for use. We have to memorize the seven diatomic elements, BR2I2Cl2H2O2F2. We also have to memorize the seven polyatomic ions and their formulas. I learned how to draw Lewis Dot Structures. We have to know the octet rule and the number of valence electrons. There is a HONC 1234 rule and the VSEPR theory. We need to know the first ten alkanes. There are isomers. This week, we learned about the polar bonds and the requirements for a polar molecule. Today, we did a lab. Different liquids were pour through a tube and we used the charged wand to see if the liquid would be attracted to the wand. we charged the wand by rubbing it with wool. It was pretty cool. I learned from the Polar Bears and Penguins comic book.

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